About the Author
Hey there,
Thanks for stopping by! Here’s a little about me.
I live in the Bay Area, California, and enjoy walking, hiking and story telling. My journey in writing began with poetry and continues to evolve.
The ‘Stories of My Childhood In Africa’ series is based on my true life childhood story and inspired by the most important person in my life, my beloved son, Josh who continues to be my biggest inspiration.
My love for writing dates back to high school where I was drawn to English and Literature. It was an expressive outlet for me and I always gained more clarity about anything when I started writing about it.
I decided to write my story because, as I got older, I began to appreciate my childhood even more and realized that I had a good one with lots of memorable stories to share.
Also, over the last twenty one years, I’ve constantly been asked questions about my life growing up. This series, ‘Stories of My Childhood In Africa’ is the answer to those questions and based on my actual childhood experience.
It has been quite a fun journey going back in time and reliving the experience in this series, writing it has made me understand myself even more.
As you go on this journey with me, I hope you have a great experience reading it as I did writing it.